BOOKS: 'Seoul Villages' - 'dragédies' (in French) - about 'dragedies' (in English)) - 'La Ligue des Oublies'
OTHER PUBLICATIONS: des vers, un chien, un coin oublié de Paname... - Guestbook et service des réclamations

Free ebooks: 'Seoul Villages' - 'Guisin-dong' - 'Year of the Dog' - see all books
On the web / sur la toile: : author pages on Google Play Books - Amazon - Goodreads - - Wattpad - Neovel - join dragedies on Facebook!
Mes autres sites / my other sites : stephanemot.com (personal portal), SeoulVillage (English), blogules (VF), blogules (English), mot-bile (English), La Ligue des Oubliés (le livre), Citizen Came (visitors). Bookmark and Share
NEW: my 'Seoul Villages' are adapted into movies - get your free copy!


define: lexicon

If you can't read my dragedies in French, now you can at least watch parts of their lexicon. 

To start with, three essential definitions to learn by heart (I give you 1:11):

Addendum: now also on VIMEO: vimeo.com/89075575

dragedies 2014
dragedies: Twitter: @dragedies - Facebook: facebook.com/pages/Dragedies/119682828112662 - Amazon: "dragedies"
Stephane MOT: Twitter: @stephanemot - Facebook: facebook.com/pages/Stephane-MOT/224480897565707 - Amazon: "dragedies"

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