BOOKS: 'Seoul Villages' - 'dragédies' (in French) - about 'dragedies' (in English)) - 'La Ligue des Oublies'
OTHER PUBLICATIONS: des vers, un chien, un coin oublié de Paname... - Guestbook et service des réclamations

Free ebooks: 'Seoul Villages' - 'Guisin-dong' - 'Year of the Dog' - see all books
On the web / sur la toile: : author pages on Google Play Books - Amazon - Goodreads - - Wattpad - Neovel - join dragedies on Facebook!
Mes autres sites / my other sites : stephanemot.com (personal portal), SeoulVillage (English), blogules (VF), blogules (English), mot-bile (English), La Ligue des Oubliés (le livre), Citizen Came (visitors). Bookmark and Share
NEW: my 'Seoul Villages' are adapted into movies - get your free copy!
Showing posts with label Corée. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Corée. Show all posts


'Seoul Urban Legends' ('Seoul Villages' adapted into movies!)

In case you missed the VIP Presentation of 'SEOUL URBAN LEGENDS' ('서울 도시 전설들') in CGV Apgujeong on October 31, here's what you need to know about the first adaptation of my short stories into movies.

(Answering the question 'Some films are very close to your original stories, others build upon them. Any remarks?': 'Books are triggers. Authors and readers create their own images in their own heads. It's very stimulating to see each and every one of these very diverse and gifted creators add their own creative layers of fiction and reality'. With CHE Heesuk, YOU On, and KIM Yong-ho during the VIP presentation in CGV Apgujeong (photos Pulse9)


  • 'Get out of your comfort zone, and dive into a fictional Seoul '
  • an omnibus movie featuring 4 short films by 6 Korean filmmakers:
    • 'Sweat Dream' (directed by CHE Heesuk)
    • 'Black Snow' (directed by YOU On)
    • 'Guisin-dong' (directed by CHOI Jong Wook, KIM Ye Jin, WON Chang Sung)
    • 'de Vermis Seoulis' (directed by KIM Yong-ho)
  • adapted from Stephane MOT's 'Seoul Villages', a collection of short stories about a fictional Seoul
  • produced by Pulse9, sponsored by Korea Creative Content Agency (KOCCA)
  • independent cinema with a touch of A.I.



    • 'Yes, this heat is inhumane, but is there even any humanity left in a world controlled by A.I.?'
    • From experimental film to music videos, CHE keeps exploring humanity and technology

    • Mi-hyun finds a boy lying on the street; her city and her life itself start feeling more intense.
    • An expert in short format contents, 'On Oppa' is also a TikTok phenomenon with over 21M followers.

    • If Seoul's most mysterious neighborhood claims you, don't even think about escaping it'
    • Glamour or underground? CHOI, KIM,, and WON track all vibes across Seoul and beyond.

    • Life is a masquerade, worms roam Seoul, and acclaimed photographer KIM Yong-ho invites you to a surreal experience.
    • Iconic fashion photographer turned artist, KIM Yong-ho brings a new light to the fabric of reality. 
    • They're all visual creators expert in their field, they're all making their first movie
    • Four radically different creations (around 20 mn each):
      • CHE Heesuk added new dimensions to the protagonist's struggles by transposing the original short story, set in early 90s Seoul, into a dystopian future.
      • YOU On opted for a vertical format to focus on the characters. 
      • CHOI, KIM, and WON built a ghost story on top of the original one, with a resolutely indie / underground touch.
      • KIM Yong-ho created a highly artistic experimental film based on still pictures and quotes from the book
    • Like the book combines multiple fictions about a shapeshifting city, the film combines multiple approaches of these fictions. 'This might be the very definition of a city: a work of fiction, utterly real, but always eluding its authors'.


(Answering the question 'Your fiction is timeless, but your background also includes startups. What did you think when you learned that A.I. virtual characters would appear in the adaptations?') 'These virtual characters belong to what's known as the 'uncanny valley', and 'Uncanny Valley could be the name of one of my fictional Seoul villages. This particular technology opens new possibilities for all kind of visual creators, actors, and performers, and it's significant to see Korea's independent cinema explore it."

We'll keep you posted about the distribution of the movie and the next steps. 

The happy few (well actually enough to fill twice the theater) who attended the VIP presentation of Seoul Urban Legends could watch the teasers and the filmmakers' interviews before a Q and A session. KIM Yong-ho's 'de Vermis Seoulis' was then screened twice so that everyone who came could watch. The whole team thanks those who could make it that day as well as everyone who supported this project that only started a few months ago.

'Seoul Urban Legends' in Tokyo for TIFFCOM 2023 (with YOU On, CHOI Jong Wook, CHE Heesuk)


If you haven't read 'Seoul Villages' yet, download the free ebook:


"[영화] 31일 사진작가 김용호의 실험영화 <데 베르미스 서울리스> 시사회" (Monthly Chosun 202311)

"소설 '서울 도시 전설' 옴니버스 영화로…"깊고 놀라운 표현"(종합) [N현장]" (News1 20231031)

"영화·AI의 접목…예술 분야 신인 감독이 AI와 만났을 때[SS현장]" (Sports Seoul 20231031)

"영화로 재탄생한 소설 ‘서울 도시 전설’…AI 기술로 더한 새로운 가능성 [종합] " (Ilgan Sports 20231031)

"“가상 인간과 영화가 만났다”펄스나인, ‘AI 페이스 스왑 기술’ 적용한 영화 ‘서울 도시 전설’ 제작보고회" (The Herald Business 20231101)
"펄스나인, AI 기술 적용한 영화 '서울 도시 전설' 제작 보고회" (AI Times 20231101)
"가상 아이돌, 영화에도 출연…눈앞에 다가온 AI 영화" (The Hankyoreh 20231102)
"'서울 도시 전설' 영화 시사회 (AI 페이스 스왑 기술적용)" (Naver Blog 20231102)

"보이는 것 너머를 보는 '광고사진의 대부' 김용호, 4585컷 영화 데뷔 " (Korea Economic Daily 20231107)

"보이는 것 너머를 보는 '광고사진의 대부' 김용호, 4585컷 영화 데뷔" (Arte 20231107)
"그의 광고사진은 '예술'이 된다…보이는 것 너머를 찍기에 " (Korea Economic Daily 20231109)

"이젠 영화 출연까지…가상 인간, 연예계 침투 현실로 [D:이슈]" (Dailian 20231114)

"[아라아트] '디지털 노벰버(11월) 2023' - Digital Sense, Human Mind " (Tistory Art Blog 20231120)

"de Vermis Seoulis" / "데 베르미스 서울리스" (Digital November 2023 - BIFAN Beyond Reality)

"Novembre Numerique au Ara Art Center" (Digital November 2023 - Ambassade de France a Seoul)

"부천국제판타스틱영화제,"신비롭고 감동적" "몰입감 최고!" ‘디지털 노벰버 2023: Digital Sense, Human Mind’ 2일 폐막" (Gyeonggi Daily 20231204)

" 부천국제판타스틱영화제, ‘디지털 노벰버 2023: Digital Sense, Human Mind’ 폐막" (IBS News 20231204)

"[1DAY 1KOREA: K-PEOPLE] Ep.61 Photographer KIM Yong-ho" (Arirang TV 20231205)

"김용호 '데 베르미스 서울리스' 영화 감독" (Arts & Culture 20240101)

"사진가 김용호, 음악과 함께 찍고 담다 - 월간객석" (Auditorium 20240122)

"사진가 김용호, 음악과 함께 찍고, 담다" (Naver Post 20240122)

"소설이 눈앞에…가상 인간이 되살리는 '서울 도시 전설' [Geeks' Briefing]" (Korea Economic Daily 20230706)

"A MidSummer Night's Dream 한여름 밤의 꿈" (8th Busan International Photo Festival 202408)

" 매력적인 부산의 한여름 밤을 만나보실래요? " (Busan Ilbo 20240820)

"사실 너머의 진실…사진으로 담은 ‘한 여름 밤의 꿈’" (Kookje Daily 20240820)

"부산죽재사진제" (Photo Art 20240827)

"[현장] 사진으로 만나는 '한여름 밤의 꿈'...2024 부산국제사진제 르포" (News2day 20240828)

"그린 듯한 초현실적 세계…이거 사진 맞아?" (JoongAng Sunday 20240907)

"상상의 여행_부산국제사진제 주제전 '한여름밤의 꿈'" (Culture Lamp 20240910)

"근현대사의 산증인 부산항, 그곳에 꿈결 같은 사진들이 떠돈다" (The Hankyoreh 20240914)

"[인터뷰] 현상으로의 사진, 예술가의 초상, <두 개의 이야기: 한국 문화를 빛낸 거장들을 조명하며> 전시 마친 사진가 김용호" (Cine21 20241115)

"Workspace as a Gallery: City as an inspiration - Virtual Artist Talk" (The Drivery 20241127)

"김용호의 시선으로 포착한 한국 예술의 거장들" (The Neighbor 20241209)

"브랜드를 연구하는 사진가, 김용호" (Fortune Korea 20241213)

dragedies 2023
dragedies: Twitter: @dragedies - Facebook: Dragedies - Amazon: "dragedies"
Stephane MOT: stephanemot.com - Twitter: @stephanemot - Facebook: Stephane MOT - instagram: @stephanemot 
Author pages on: Google Play Books - Amazon - Goodreads - Neovel

*  among many others:


(In French) "Séoul Villages" enfin en version française

« Une série de lettres d'amour à Séoul et ses nombreuses ruelles » (The Korea Times)
« Plongeons-nous dans le monde surréaliste bâti par ce passionné d'urbanisme » (KBS World Radio)
« Rarement je me suis plongée avec autant de bonheur dans un livre écrit par un Occidental sur la Corée! Stéphane Mot voit la Corée de derrière, la Corée des invisibles. La Corée des esprits et des
chamanes, Séoul, ses rues, son âme et ses âmes qui me touchent tant. Bravo ! » (Juliette Morillot)

Deux ans après sa parution en Anglais (voir "'Seoul Villages' - download your free copy"), découvrez ma collection de 'dragédies' dédiées à Séoul dans sa version française.

'Séoul Villages - Guisin-dong et autres villages de Séoul' comprend douze fictions: Guisin-dong / L’Année du Chien / de Vermis Seoulis / Sweat dream / Neige Sale / Korean Wave / Tchik ! / Comin’up next / La Métamorphose de Séoul / (Ruelles – Ogin-dong, Automne) / A la recherche de Kim Mudangnim / (Ruelles – Sajik-dong, Hiver)

Téléchargez gratuitement l'ebook sur Google Play Books:

- en Français : https://books.google.com/books?id=Gc9qEAAAQBAJ

- en Anglais : https://books.google.com/books/about/Seoul_Villages.html?id=LwHeDwAAQBAJ

dragedies 2022
dragedies: Twitter: @dragedies - Facebook: Dragedies - Amazon: "dragedies"
Stephane MOT: Twitter: @stephanemot - Facebook: Stephane MOT - instagram: @stephanemot 
Author pages on: Google Play Books - Amazon - Goodreads


Interview with The Korea Times

What are dragedies? Have I ever encountered Guisin-dong? What's the influence of shamanism in my 'Seoul Villages'? Why are alleyways so important? I had the pleasure to answer Jon Dunbar's very stimulating questions in this interview for The Korea Times ("Short story anthology explores magical realism in Seoul alleys" - 20200506):

Sorry, still no photos of Kim Mudangnim...

Download the free ebook on Google Play Books: books.google.com/books?id=LwHeDwAAQBAJ.

dragedies 2020
dragedies: Twitter: @dragedies - Facebook: Dragedies - Amazon: "dragedies"
Stephane MOT: Twitter: @stephanemot - Facebook: Stephane MOT - Instagram: @stephanemot 
Author pages on: Google Play Books - Amazon - Goodreads


'Seoul Villages' - download your free copy

"A series of love letters to Seoul and its many alleyways" (The Korea Times)
'Let's dive into the surreal world built by this urbanism enthusiast" (KBS World Radio)

Don't try to escape this ghost neighborhood, don't waste your energy tearing off that plant, and don't even think about catching Korea's most elusive shaman: you just can't shake off death. So let this fictional Seoul claim your soul.

'Seoul Villages' includes 12 'Seoul dragedies', among which 'Year Of The Dog', and 'Guisin-dong', and a few stories initially published in French.

You can download for free 'Seoul Villages' along with my other free ebooks 'Year Of The Dog', and 'Guisin-dong' on Google Play Books. Check my website for my other books (y compris en français).

Your comments and reviews are welcome (e.g. on Google Play Books, on Amazon, on dragedies website...).  
Stephane - April 2020

Seoul Villages est maintenant disponible en Français! Téléchargez votre exemplaire gratuitement sur Google Books: books.google.com/books?id=Gc9qEAAAQBAJ.


dragedies 2020
dragedies: Twitter: @dragedies - Facebook: Dragedies - Amazon: "dragedies"
My other books / mes autres livres et ebooks gratuits.
Stephane MOT: stephanemot.com - Twitter: @stephanemot - Facebook: Stephane MOT - Instagram: @stephanemot - Author pages on: Google Play Books - Amazon - Goodreads...

 Reminder: Seoul is not just my main character for fiction: meet this shapeshifting and elusive city in my blog SeoulVillage.com (places, things, beings, cityscapes...), or in the essay "Inhuman, all too human Seoul".

Seoul Villages:
  • Crossroads and forking paths - a foreword by Mr. Ho
  • Seoul Village(s) - a foreword by the author
  • Guisin-dong
  • Year of the Dog
  • de Vermis Seoulis
  • Sweat dream
  • Black Snow
  • Korean wave
  • Tchik!
  • Comin'up next
  • Seoul Metamorphosis
  • (Alleyways – Ogin-dong, Autumn)
  • Hunting for Kim Mudangnim
  • (Alleyways – Sajik-dong, somewhen)
  • Lexicon – Korean terms
'Seoul Villages' - Copyright © Stephane MOT 2013 - All rights reserved. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living, dead, or beyond those stages, is purely coincidental. www.stephanemot.com - www.dragedies.com


Year Of The Dog (free ebook)

Initially published in French 10 years ago ('L'Année du Chien' - 'Breves', 2007), 'Year Of The Dog' remains so far my only non-fiction Seoul 'dragedie', and the only one written from a foreigner's point of view. Yet it's not my first story featuring a dog - that would be 'Le regard d'un ami' (1979), where the narrator himself is canine. 

Which, as you'll see, doesn't make me humane.

I met this dog in Sanggye-dong, Nowo-gu, along Danghyeoncheon, long before Seoul upgraded it into a park. That streamlet also appears in my essay "Inhuman, all too human Seoul" (picture of an old timer who used to grow vegetables there).

Like for 'Guisin-dong', you can download this story for free. I hope you enjoy it, but welcome any comments (e.g. on dragedies website, on Amazon...).

Stephane - November 2017

dragedies 2017
dragedies: Twitter: @dragedies - Facebook: facebook.com/pages/Dragedies/119682828112662 - Amazon: "dragedies"
Stephane MOT: Twitter: @stephanemot - Facebook: facebook.com/pages/Stephane-MOT/224480897565707 - Amazon: "dragedies"

PS: 'L'Année du chien' est disponible en V.F. dans 'Brèves' et 'dragédies'.


Guisin-dong (free ebook)

Here's a small gift for you: 'Guisin-dong', a short fiction I wrote a couple of years ago (part of my collection of  Seoul 'dragedies' in English). 

Guisin-dong is not the kind of Seoul neighborhoods you want to visit, but now you can download it for free, right here:  Guisindong2012StephaneMOT.

Any comments and critics are welcome (e.g. on this site, on the Facebook page, on Amazon...).

dragedies 2015
dragedies: Twitter: @dragedies - Facebook: facebook.com/pages/Dragedies/119682828112662 - Amazon: "dragedies"
Stephane MOT: Twitter: @stephanemot - Facebook: facebook.com/pages/Stephane-MOT/224480897565707 - Amazon: "dragedies"


Interview with Colin Marshall

If you have one hour to spare, I invite you to listen to the conversation Colin Marshall and I had in a Seoul cafe a couple of months ago.

We both share a love for roaming cities and writing about them, but only Colin is blessed with an uncanny gift for maieutics, a truly clear mind, and a spellbinding voice. If you enjoy that interview as much as I did, praise him. And that annoying gibberish of mine? Don't try to put it on a hot summer day, a night unnecessarily shrunk by insignificant World Cup games, or even my Frenchness.

So take a cup of coffee, and come sit down with us.

"Notebook on Cities and Culture's Korea Tour: Shapeshifter with Stephane Mot"

dragedies 2014
dragedies: Twitter: @dragedies - Facebook: facebook.com/pages/Dragedies/119682828112662 - Amazon: "dragedies"
Stephane MOT: Twitter: @stephanemot - Facebook: facebook.com/pages/Stephane-MOT/224480897565707 - Amazon: "dragedies"


Entretien - Stephane MOT - Impressions Papier Hanji

Entretien avec / Interview with
Benjamin Joinau, Editions L'Atelier des Cahiers

Ce bref entretien vidéo avec l'éditeur d'"Impressions papier hanji" a été enregistré au coeur de l'été séoulite, et au coeur de la capitale (à Seochon, Jongno-gu - mon quartier préféré et le nouveau repaire de Benjamin). Ambiance sombre, mais il est question 'de Vermis Seoulis', de hantise, de fantastique, et du côté obscur de la ville.

This short video interview with the publisher of 'Impressions papier hanji' was recorded in the middle of the summer and in the heart of Seoul (Seochon, Jongno-gu, my favorite neighborhood and Benjamin's new lair). I'm at my Bela Lugosi best, but this is about 'de Vermis Seoulis', haunting places, and the dark side of Seoul. 

Voir aussi / See also:

dragedies 2013

dragedies: Twitter: @dragedies - Facebook: facebook.com/pages/Dragedies/119682828112662 - Amazon: "dragedies"
Stephane MOT: Twitter: @stephanemot - Facebook: facebook.com/pages/Stephane-MOT/224480897565707 - Amazon: "dragedies"


Quelques écrits, quelques voix, quelques visages

"Out of Place", tel est le titre et le thème de la quatrième anthologie de fiction et poésie du Seoul Writers Workshop. Hier, pour le gala de lancement et dans le cadre d'un week-end sous le signe des écrits libérés par la parole, quelques auteurs ont lu leurs contributions devant une audience conquise d'avance. Protégé par mon immunité diplomatique en tant que seul Francophone du lot, j'en ai profité pour massacrer un texte qui n'en avait probablement guère besoin.

Cet ouvrage mérite d'être acheté pour faire entendre des voix bien plus importantes : cette année, les bénéfices des ventes vont à l'association
The House of Sharing qui soutient les Comfort Women coréennes exclaves sexuelles des militaires nippons pendant l'occupation.

Ont contribué à cette édition 2012 de l'anthologie (éditée par Christopher R. F. Sanders avec Kathryn Whitney, Jorge Miramontes Sandoval, Ang McLaughlin et Becky Bosshart):
- Death Metal: A Revenge Story (Sean Bienert)
- Je t’attends (Brooke Carlson)
- A Hamster Wheel (Kelly Carroll)
- Catching Butterflies (Alex Clermont)
- The Marble and I (Parag Dandgey)
- Stretch (Hamish Dee)
- Astigmatism (Dianne Despi)
- You Can Always Come Home (Ben Dowling)
- short convo (Jürgen Dünhofen)
- For Daniel Who Is 4 (Vanessa Falco)
- Speakeasy (Meriwether Falk)
- Cheap Thrills – What Price? (Pamila J. Florea)
- Dust to Dust (Grace Gallagher)
- Kodachrome (Jeff Glenn)
- I Drank from Your Hair (John Grimmett)
- Yonsei Lake (Gwee Li Sui)
- The Thirteenth Student (Aireanne Hjelle)
- Turkeys Can’t Fly (Matthew David Jenkins)
- The First Wind of the Death (Joel Killin)
- Silk on Belly (Bruce Kim)
- Cracks (Eric Lynn)
- The Beautiful People (J.C. Maxwell)
- Dawn / Daughter / Stars (Craig McGeady)
- Evening Clouds (Shaun Morris)
- Black Snow (Stephane Mot)
- The Road to Sanbuk (Valerie A. Nelson)
- Out of Place (M. Lee Nielsen)
- Date Night (Karin Roest)
- The Halmoni (Michael Solis)
- Hiking on the East Coast in October (Emily Sorrells)
- color / cockpit / the taxi driver (Ayshia Stephenson)
- Bed Solo (Jennifer Waescher)

blogules 2011 - également sur Seoul Village - et pour l'édition précédente, voir "
SWW 2010 anthology".


Impressions papier hanji

L'Atelier des Cahiers publie une anthologie de nouvelles sur le pays du matin calme. Quatre auteures coréennes, six auteurs Français, dix regards qui parfois se croisent... mais au final un même constat heureux : la Corée reste insaisissable.

Très prochainement sur ces lignes : plus de détails sur la sortie de cet opuscule, dans lequel mes (rares) lecteurs retrouveront "de Vermis Seoulis" (qui pour rappel figure également dans mes misérables

Impressions papier hanji - Dix nouvelles franco-coréennes
Editions Atelier des Cahiers 2010 - Collection Littératures
ISBN 978-2-9529286-4-9
303 pages - 15.000 wons / 12 euros
. Alain ROBBE-GRILLET ("Mon double coréen")
. KIM Da-eun ("Madame")
. Antoine COPPOLA ("La véritable histoire de Li Jin et de son horrible sacrifice")
. CHOI Myeong-jeong ("Pojangmacha")
. Eric SZCZUREK ("La joueuse de Baduk")
. Stéphane MOT ("de Vermis Seoulis")
. KIM Ae-ran ("Le couteau de ma mère")
. François LAUT ("Jours d'après")
. EUN Hee-kyung ("La voleuse de fraises")
. Michel LOUYOT ("Le poète sans nom")

Stephane - dragedies 2011

ADDENDUM 20110304

Pour vous procurer ce livre, consultez le site de l'editeur (www.atelierdescahiers.com) : liste des points de vente sur Seoul et Paris, commande en ligne via Paypal...


En Anglais dans le texte (attn non-French speaking readers)


Encore un petit texte en Anglais a vous mettre sous les dents : "Hunting for Kim Mudangnim" a ete publie dans l'anthologie "
Every Second Sunday".


You keep asking for a "dragedies" translation, but that would require a native English speaking soulmate crazy enough to read my lousy prose. Meanwhile, why not read "Hunting for Kim Mudangnim", which was recently published in the "
Every Second Sunday" anthology ?

dragedies 2010

20110901 update

Kim D.K. opened a few virtual doors : a dedicated website, a Facebook account, a Facebook page, a Twitter account (@kimmudangnim).


de Vermis Seoulis

A l'attention de mes lecteurs qui souhaiteraient retrouver la nouvelle "de Vermis Seoulis", il est de nouveau possible de commander le numéro 7 des "Cahiers de Corée" sur eBay (références et liste des points de vente sur cahiersdecoree.com).

L'occasion de rappeler le sommaire de ce numéro plein d'histoire, d'histoires et de rencontres passionnantes :


Les cinq sens : Frédéric Boulesteix, Benjamin Joinau, Cathy Rapin, jacques Raphanel, Éric Bidet et Kim Su ae

Le gant à gratter : Frédéric Boulesteix
Les slippers : Benjamin Joinau

Carnet photos de…: Francis Van Maele
Korean Wave à Pékin : Tristan Bourbon-Parme

La Goryeo suji chim en France : Jean-Claude de Crescenzo
Signes & Sceaux : Rencontre avec Cho Sung-ju
Mémoires de films souterrains au pays du cinéma superstar : Antoine Coppola
Un doux espoir gravé sur bois : Nam Kung san
Les Onomatopées du coréen : Park Sang Jun

De Vermis Seoulis : Stéphane Mot
La peur, vue par … (fin) : Trois écrivains coréens
Poèmes coréens : Paulette Spescha-Montibert
Premières neiges : Yves Millet
Au bord de la rivière : Poèmes de Kim Yong Taek

Les étrangers en Corée : Jean de Pange
La présence française en Corée dans les cimetières : Pierre Ory et Benjamin Joinau
Ganghwado : à la croisée des témoignages : Pascal Bachfort
Copyright Stephane MOT 2003-2025 Welcome to my personal portal : blogules - blogules (VF) - mot-bile - footlog - footlog archives - Seoul Village - dragedies - Citizen Came - KIM Mudangnim - La Ligue des Oublies - blogules archives - 스테판 모 - 서울 마을들 - 서울 도시 전설Stephanemot.com Copyright Stephane MOT