BOOKS: 'Seoul Villages' - 'dragédies' (in French) - about 'dragedies' (in English)) - 'La Ligue des Oublies'
OTHER PUBLICATIONS: des vers, un chien, un coin oublié de Paname... - Guestbook et service des réclamations

Free ebooks: 'Seoul Villages' - 'Guisin-dong' - 'Year of the Dog' - see all books
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Mes autres sites / my other sites : stephanemot.com (personal portal), SeoulVillage (English), blogules (VF), blogules (English), mot-bile (English), La Ligue des Oubliés (le livre), Citizen Came (visitors). Bookmark and Share
NEW: my 'Seoul Villages' are adapted into movies - get your free copy!
Showing posts with label English. Show all posts
Showing posts with label English. Show all posts


Year Of The Dog (free ebook)

Initially published in French 10 years ago ('L'Année du Chien' - 'Breves', 2007), 'Year Of The Dog' remains so far my only non-fiction Seoul 'dragedie', and the only one written from a foreigner's point of view. Yet it's not my first story featuring a dog - that would be 'Le regard d'un ami' (1979), where the narrator himself is canine. 

Which, as you'll see, doesn't make me humane.

I met this dog in Sanggye-dong, Nowo-gu, along Danghyeoncheon, long before Seoul upgraded it into a park. That streamlet also appears in my essay "Inhuman, all too human Seoul" (picture of an old timer who used to grow vegetables there).

Like for 'Guisin-dong', you can download this story for free. I hope you enjoy it, but welcome any comments (e.g. on dragedies website, on Amazon...).

Stephane - November 2017

dragedies 2017
dragedies: Twitter: @dragedies - Facebook: facebook.com/pages/Dragedies/119682828112662 - Amazon: "dragedies"
Stephane MOT: Twitter: @stephanemot - Facebook: facebook.com/pages/Stephane-MOT/224480897565707 - Amazon: "dragedies"

PS: 'L'Année du chien' est disponible en V.F. dans 'Brèves' et 'dragédies'.


En Anglais dans le texte (attn non-French speaking readers)


Encore un petit texte en Anglais a vous mettre sous les dents : "Hunting for Kim Mudangnim" a ete publie dans l'anthologie "
Every Second Sunday".


You keep asking for a "dragedies" translation, but that would require a native English speaking soulmate crazy enough to read my lousy prose. Meanwhile, why not read "Hunting for Kim Mudangnim", which was recently published in the "
Every Second Sunday" anthology ?

dragedies 2010

20110901 update

Kim D.K. opened a few virtual doors : a dedicated website, a Facebook account, a Facebook page, a Twitter account (@kimmudangnim).
Copyright Stephane MOT 2003-2025 Welcome to my personal portal : blogules - blogules (VF) - mot-bile - footlog - footlog archives - Seoul Village - dragedies - Citizen Came - KIM Mudangnim - La Ligue des Oublies - blogules archives - 스테판 모 - 서울 마을들 - 서울 도시 전설Stephanemot.com Copyright Stephane MOT