BOOKS: 'Seoul Villages' - 'dragédies' (in French) - about 'dragedies' (in English)) - 'La Ligue des Oublies'
OTHER PUBLICATIONS: des vers, un chien, un coin oublié de Paname... - Guestbook et service des réclamations

Free ebooks: 'Seoul Villages' - 'Guisin-dong' - 'Year of the Dog' - see all books
On the web / sur la toile: : author pages on Google Play Books - Amazon - Goodreads - - Wattpad - Neovel - join dragedies on Facebook!
Mes autres sites / my other sites : stephanemot.com (personal portal), SeoulVillage (English), blogules (VF), blogules (English), mot-bile (English), La Ligue des Oubliés (le livre), Citizen Came (visitors). Bookmark and Share
NEW: my 'Seoul Villages' are adapted into movies - get your free copy!


En Anglais dans le texte (attn non-French speaking readers)


Encore un petit texte en Anglais a vous mettre sous les dents : "Hunting for Kim Mudangnim" a ete publie dans l'anthologie "
Every Second Sunday".


You keep asking for a "dragedies" translation, but that would require a native English speaking soulmate crazy enough to read my lousy prose. Meanwhile, why not read "Hunting for Kim Mudangnim", which was recently published in the "
Every Second Sunday" anthology ?

dragedies 2010

20110901 update

Kim D.K. opened a few virtual doors : a dedicated website, a Facebook account, a Facebook page, a Twitter account (@kimmudangnim).

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